How Teeth Whitening Can Improve More Than Your Smile

In your journey towards whiter teeth, many decisions must be made along the way. Brushing, flossing, mouthwash, and teeth whitening kits may not be enough for oral and cosmetic health.

The skilled team at Westmorland Dentistry of Newport, TN, is proud to serve the community with excellent dental care services, including teeth whitening, which provides many benefits beyond a beautiful and radiant smile.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Having cleaner and whiter teeth starts at home but is highly effective at the dentist’s office. Teeth whitening procedures are dental solutions that remove sticky film and stains from your teeth. Teeth whitening also improves discoloration from previously untreated dental conditions or if you love coffee, wine, and other drinks.

What are the Benefits of Teeth Whitening?

The most apparent and primary benefit of teeth whitening is having a more beautiful smile. While teeth whitening is classified as a cosmetic procedure, some additional benefits exist:

More Resistant to Stains

Professional teeth whitening removes stains and makes your teeth many shades brighter. Your professional cosmetic dentist will also provide solutions and tips for maintaining your white and sparkly teeth.

Confidence and Self-Esteem

Having the confidence to smile and speak improves many aspects of your life. You may have renewed confidence around your family, friends, and coworkers.

Reverse the Appearance of Aging

Yellow and stained teeth contribute to signs of aging and can make you look older than you already are. Clean and white smiles make a positive impression and restore your youthful impression.

Your Local Quality Cosmetic Dentist 

If brushing, flossing, and over-the-counter solutions haven’t worked, it’s time to get a professional opinion. During your next visit with the capable team at Westmorland Dentistry of Newport, TN, you will receive the best care and guidance you and your family deserve.

Top 5 Worst Foods for Your Teeth

While many of us enjoy eating candy, bread, and potato chips, dentists say these aren’t very healthy for our teeth. If you eat these on a consistent basis, you could run into some dental issues.

Unfortunately, these foods aren’t the only ones that can cause harm. Keep reading to learn about the top 5 worst foods for your teeth.


While bread isn’t hard and chewy like other items on this list, it can still be problematic for your dental health. As you chew bread, it becomes a paste-like substance that easily gets stuck in the crevices between your teeth. Also, our saliva breaks down starch into sugar. This combination can lead to developing cavities and other issues.

Think you may have a cavity? If so, contact Westmorland Cosmetic & Family Dentistry for trusted preventive dental care in Newport, TN!

Sour Candies

As sour candies include high amounts of sugar, this can be damaging to your teeth. Additionally, these candies contain different kinds of acids that can cause issues. Also, chewy candies tend to stick to your teeth for longer periods, which can lead to decay.

Dried Fruits

While dried fruits are a healthy alternative to candy, they’re still chewy and sticky. That said, they can easily get stuck in the crevices between your teeth.

Potato Chips

Just like bread, potato chips also contain starch. As this breaks down into sugar, it latches onto your teeth and hides in the crevices of the mouth. This sugar then feeds the bacteria in the plaque, which can promote tooth decay and other issues.

Citrus Foods

Orange, lemons, and other citrus fruits are healthy, but the high acid content is something to consider for your dental health. High acidity levels are harmful to your teeth, making them more prone to cavities.

If you’re concerned about your dental health, contact Westmorland Cosmetic & Family Dentistry today to work with a top dentist in Newport, TN!