Can a Child’s Teeth be Professionally Whitened?

As your family dentist in Newport, TN, we are routinely asked if a child’s teeth can be professionally whitened like adults get their teeth whitened. We feel like that’s not really the question that should be asked. Instead, it’s curious why a child’s teeth should need to be whitened. It all has to do with why adults go for professional teeth whitening.

What Causes Drab-looking Teeth?

Teeth get discolored over time for a variety of reasons. There are lifestyle factors, but one particular reason is simply plaque. Plaque is a yellowy substance that, left for any length of time on teeth, makes the teeth get that yellow appearance that we associate with older folks. It’s not so common nowadays, since even older people are opting to getteeth whitening in Newport, TN, but it’s still common enough that everyone recognizes it when they see it.

Another few reasons for drab-looking teeth include:

  • permanent staining as a side effect from medication
  • nicotine stains from using tobacco
  • food stains from things like coffee, tea, berries, curry, etc.
  • generally poor oral hygiene

Kids’ Teeth Shouldn’t Need Whitening

Since most of the things that cause teeth to be discolored take some time to make a problem, it stands to reason that in general, children’s teeth shouldn’t need to be whitened; they should already be pretty white as they are.

Now, there are some exceptions. Maybe a child is on a prescription medication that causes discolored teeth. Or maybe a child is going into some kind of entertainment/celebrity field where whiter teeth would give them an edge. If that’s the case, then yes, a child’s teeth can technically be professionally whitened.

If your child’s teeth are discolored, though, it’s worth considering why that’s the case. Book an appointment today for a dental consultation and exam so we can figure out the cause together.

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